Adam Tett

My name is Adam Tett and I studied Intelligence Analysis and Geographic Science in undergrad at James Madison University where I graduated in the Spring of 2019 and began working as a Systems Engineer for a small consulting firm in the Northern Virginia area. Throughout my time at James Madison, I knew I wanted to go to graduate school and expand my background in political science and international affairs to help strengthen my understanding of both US national security strategy and capability in explaining adversary intentions and strategy. I applied to Virginia Tech's Masters in Public and International Affairs program and began my curriculum in the Fall of 2019 and centered my courses around national and global security topics and international relations theory courses. Throughout my time in the MPIA program, my academic interest shifted towards the role of water resources and state behavior, especially due to the exacerbating effects of climate change, which became the topic of my major paper, "Conflict, Cooperation, and the Climate Threat Multiplier Thesis," which I completed in the Fall of 2021. Moving forward post-graduation, I plan on integrating the concepts and theories I learned through the MPIA program into my existing professional work supporting the government as an analyst and engineer while beginning my academic work on continuing to study water security issues.
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