Andrew Sharp

Richmond, VA 23294
- Ph.D., Theology and Religion, University of Birmingham (U.K.), 2010
- M.A., Religious Studies, University of Virginia, 2003
- M.A., Theology, St. Vladimir's Orthodox Theological Seminary, 1997
- B.A. French and Sociology, Pacific University, 1991
- Certificate, French Language and Civilization, University of Paris, Sorbonne, 1991
- Global Ethics
- International Studies
- Eastern Christianity
- Muslim-Christian Relations
- Islamic Studies
- Interfaith Dialogue
- Refugee Resettlement
- Public Administration (in practice)
- PAPA 5013: Concepts and Approaches to Public Administration
- PAPA 5316: Government Administration II: System Skills for Managers
Orthodox Christians and Islam in the Postmodern Age (Brill, 2012)
Postmodern Çağda Ortodoks Hristiyanlar ve İslamiyet (Tekin Publishing, 2016) (Turkish language edition of Orthodox Christians and Islam in the Postmodern Age
Articles and Chapters:
‘Building a New Paradigm to Save the Planet: Lessons from Scientific Inquiry and Technological Innovation in Byzantine and Islamicate Civilizations,’ in Eastern Orthodoxy and World Religions, T. Cattoi, B. Gallaher, and P. Ladouceur eds. (forthcoming Brill, 2022)
‘Toward a Global Ethic in Orthodoxy: Interreligious Engagement Beyond Dialogue, Salt: Crossroads of Religion and Culture, n. 1 (2022): 75-97.
‘Redemption in the Orthodox Christian Tradition,’ Coastal Christian Magazine (October 2020)
‘Orthodox-Muslim Relations in Lebanon,’ in Eastern Christian Encounters with Islam, A. DeVille, ed. (Routledge, submitted for publication in 2018)
‘The Eastern Churches and Islam,’ in The Routledge Handbook of Christian-Muslim Relations, D. Thomas, ed. (Routledge, 2017): 384-392.
‘Orthodox Christians, Muslims, and the Environment: The Case for a New Sacred Science,’ in The Character of Christian-Muslim Encounter, D. Pratt, et al., eds. (Brill, 2015): 470–491.
‘Modern Encounters with Islam and the Impact on Orthodox Thought, Identity, and Action,’ International Journal of Orthodox Theology, v. 5.1 (May 2014): 119-150.
Muslims, Orthodox Christians, and the Environment (current book-length project anticipated for publication in 2023-2024)
- Global ethics
- Religion and ecology
- Muslim-Christian relations
- Eastern Christianity
- Public administration
- Refugee resettlement
- Religion and science
- Religion and identity formation