Ralph Buehler
Professor, Urban Affairs and Planning (UAP)

- Ph.D., Planning and Public Policy, Rutgers University - New Brunswick, 2008
- M.S., Public Policy and Management, Universität Konstanz (Germany), 2003
- M.S., City and Regional Planning, Rutgers University - New Brunswick, 2002
- Sustainable Urban Transportation
- Travel Behavior
- Bicycling and Walking
- Active Travel and Public Health
- Public Transportation
- Transportation Policy
- International Comparative Urban Transportation
- SPIA/HNFE 2314: Active Transport for a Healthy Sustainable Planet
- UAP 5224: Planning Methods and Technologies
- UAP 5644: Transportation Systems Planning
- UAP 5794: Environmental Plan Studio
- UAP 5864: Topics in Transportation Policy and Planning
- UAP 3954/5954: Sustainable Policy Making & Planning in Europe
- Buehler, R., Pucher, J. (eds). 2021. Cycling for Sustainable Cities. MIT Press. (465 pages)
- Pucher, J., Buehler, R. (eds.) 2012. City Cycling. MIT Press (416 pages).
Peer-reviewed articles (selection)
- Buehler R., Teoman D., Shelton B. 2021. “Promoting Bicycling in Car-Oriented Cities: Lessons from Washington, DC and Frankfurt Am Main, Germany,” Urban Science. Volume 5(3):58. https://doi.org/10.3390/urbansci5030058
- Buehler, R., Pucher, J. 2021. “COVID-19 Impacts on Bicycling,” Transport Reviews, Vol. 41 (Note: invited editorial).
- Merlin, L., Teoman, D., Viola, M., Vaughn, H., Buehler, R. 2021. “Redrawing the Planners' Circle: Analyzing Trip-Level Walk Distances Across Two National Surveys,” Journal of the American Planning Association, Vol. 87, No. 4, 470-483.
- Buehler, R., Broaddus, A. Sweeney, T., White, E., Mollenhauer, M. 2021. “Changes in Travel Behavior, Attitudes, and Preferences among E-Scooter Riders and Non-Riders: A First Look at Results from Pre and Post E-Scooter System Launch Surveys at Virginia Tech,” Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, April 2021.
- Zhang, W., Buehler, R., Broaddus, A., Sweeney, T. 2021. “What type of infrastructures do e-scooter riders prefer? A route choice model.” Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, Vol. 94.Buehler, R., Pucher, J. 2021. "The Growing Gap in Pedestrian and Cyclist Fatality Rates between the United States and the United Kingdom, Germany, Denmark, and the Netherlands, 1990-2018. Transport Reviews, Vol 41, Issue 1, January.
- Buehler, R., Pucher, J., Bauman, A. 2020. Physical activity from walking and cycling for daily travel in the United States, 2001–2017: Demographic, socioeconomic, and geographic variation. Journal of Transport and Health, Vol. 16 (March). DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jth.2019.100811
- Buehler, R., Kuhnimhof, T., Bauman, A., Eisenmann, Ch. 2019. “Active travel as stable source of physical activity for one third of German adults: Evidence from longitudinal data," Transportation Research Part A, Vol. 123, No., pp. 105-118
- Botello, B., Buehler, R., Hankey, S., Mondschein, A., Zhiqiu, J. 2019. “Planning for Walking and Cycling in an Autonomous-Vehicle Future,“ Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives.
- Buehler, R., Pucher, J., Duemmler, O. 2019. “Verkehrsverbund: The Evolution and Spread of Fully-Integrated Regional Public Transport in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland,” International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, Vol. 13, No. 1, 36-50.
- James, O., Swiderski, JI, Hicks, J., Teoman, D., and Buehler, R. 2019. “Pedestrians and E-Scooters: An Initial Look at E-Scooter Parking and Perceptions by Riders and Non-Riders,” Sustainability.
- Heinen, E., Buehler, R. 2019. “Bicycle parking: a systematic review of scientific literature on parking behaviour, parking preferences, and their influence on cycling and travel behavior,” Transport Reviews, Vol.39, No.5, pp. 630-656.
- Buehler, R., Pucher, J., Gerike, R. and Goetschi, T. 2017. “Reducing Car Dependence in the Heart of Europe: Lessons from Germany, Austria, and Switzerland,” Transport Reviews, Vol. 37, No. 1, pp 4-28.
- Buehler, R., Pucher, J., Altshuler, A. 2017. “Vienna’s Path to Sustainable Transport,“ International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, Vol. 11, No. 4, pp. 257-271.
- U.S. National Park Service (NPS), Bicycle and Pedestrian Trail Counters in the Washington, D.C. Metro area, Fall 2021-2023
- SPIN/Ford/Safety-Through-Disruption UTC, Studying E-Scooter Deployment on Campus, Virginia Tech Transportation Institute. My role: Co-PI, collecting and analyzing rider survey data, 2019/2020.
- Virginia Center for Transportation Innovation and Research (MATS), Planning for walking and cycling in an automated vehicle future. My role: PI, 2017-2018.
- European Commission & UN Habitat. State of European Cities Report. Chapter on urban transport. My role: PI (joint), 2015-2016.
- Transforming Urban Transport, Harvard University & Volvo Foundation, Case Study Vienna, Austria, My role: PI for Virginia Tech part of study, 2014-2015.
Most of Ralph’s research has an international comparative perspective, contrasting transport and land-use policies, transport systems, and travel behavior in Western Europe and North America. Ralph’s research interests include:
(1) the influence of transport policy, land use, and socio-demographics on travel behavior;
(2) active travel and public health; and
(3) public transport demand, supply, regional coordination, and financial efficiency.