Giselle Datz
Associate Professor, Government and International Affairs (GIA)

- Ph.D., Global Affairs, Rutgers University, 2007
- M.A., International Relations, University of Chicago, 2001
- B.A., Economics, Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, 1999
- Sovereign debt restructuring
- Pension funds
- Financial crises and regulation
- Financial technology and banking
- Latin American politics
- GIA 5524: International Development
- GIA 5434: Politics of Developing Areas
- GIA 6144 (PSCI 6144): Topics in Global Governance
- PAPA 5034 (GIA 5034) (UAP 5034): Global Political Econnomy
- Datz, Giselle. 2021. “Placing Sovereign Debt: Legal Precedent and Legislative Preemption” in Debt Diplomacies, Juan Flores and Pierre Pinot (Eds.). New York: Oxford University Press.
- Datz, Giselle. 2020. “Financial Globalization and Domestic Policy Making”. Oxford Encyclopedia of Latin American Politics, Gary Prevost and Harry Vanden (Eds.), New York: Oxford University Press.
- Datz, Giselle and Katharine Corcoran. 2019. “Deviant Debt: Reputation, Litigation and the Outlier Effects of Argentina’s Debt Restructuring Saga”, New Political Economy.
- Datz, Giselle. 2014. “Varieties of Power in Latin American Pension Finance: Pension Fund Capitalism, Developmentalism and Statism”. Government and Opposition, vol. 49(3): 483-510.
- Datz, Giselle. 2014. "Sovereign Debt Default." The International Studies Encyclopedia. Robert A. Denemark (Ed.). Blackwell Publishing, Blackwell Reference Online.
- Datz, Giselle. 2013 “The Narrative of Complexity in the Crisis of Finance: Epistemological Challenge and Macroprudential Policy Response”. New Political Economy, vol. 18(4): 459-479.
- Datz, Giselle and Joel Peters. 2013. “Brazil and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict in the New Century: Between Ambition, Idealism, and Pragmatism”. Israel Journal of Foreign Affairs, vol. VII(2): 43-57.
- Datz, Giselle and Katalin Dancsi. 2013. "The Politics of Pension Reform Reversal: A Comparative Analysis of Hungary and Argentina". East European Politics, vol. 29(1): 83-100.
- Datz, Giselle. 2013. “Brazil’s Pension Fund Developmentalism”. Competition & Change, vol.17(2): 111-128.
- Brink, Lars, David Orden and Giselle Datz. 2013. “BRIC Agricultural Policies through a WTO Lens”. Journal of Agricultural Economics, vol. 64:1.
- Datz, Giselle. 2012. “The Inextricable Link between Sovereign Debt and Pensions in Argentina, 1993-2010”. Latin American Politics and Society, vol. 54(1): 101-126.
- Datz, Giselle. 2009. “What Life after Default? Time Horizons and the Outcome of the Argentine Debt Restructuring Deal”. Review of International Political Economy, vol. 16(3): 456-484.
- Datz, Giselle. 2009. “State of Change: Global Turmoil and Government Reinvention”, Public Administration Review, vol. 69(4): 660-667.
- Datz, Giselle. 2008. “Governments as Market Players: State Innovation in the Global Economy”. Journal of International Affairs, vol. 62(1): 35-49.
- Datz, Giselle. 2004. “Reframing Development and Accountability: The Impact of Sovereign Credit Ratings on Policy Making in Developing Countries”. Third World Quarterly, vol.25(2):303-318.
- Places and payment pipelines in sovereign debt restructurings
- Financial development in Latin America
- Sovereign debt restructuring proceses
- Economic policy reform (particularly pension reforms)
- Financial crises and financial development