Matthew Dull
Associate Professor, Center for Public Administration & Policy (CPAP)

- Ph.D., Public Science, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2006
- M.A., Political Science, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2001
- B.A., Government and International Relations, University of Notre Dame, 1997
- American political institutions
- Administrative politics
- Public administration
- Presidential appointees
- Congressional oversight
- Government reform
- PAPA 5014: Concepts and Approaches to Public Administration
- PAPA 6224: Design, Implementation, and Evaluation of Public Policy and Programs
- PAPA 6014: Theory and Context of Public Administration
- PAPA 6394: Capstone Seminar in Public Management
Journal Articles
- Resh, William G., Gary Hollibaugh, Patrick Roberts, and Matthew M. Dull. Forthcoming: Who Isn’t Running American Government: Appointee Vacancies in U.S. Executive Branch Agencies.” Journal of Public Policy.
- Parker, David CW, and Matthew Dull. 2013. “Rooting out waste, fraud, and abuse: The politics of House committee investigations, 1947 to 2004.” Political Research Quarterly. 66 (3): 630-644.
- Roberts, Patrick S. and Matthew Dull. 2013. “Guarding the Guardians: Oversight Appointees and the Search for Accountability in U.S. Federal Agencies,” Journal of Policy History, 25 (2): 207-239.
- Dull, Matthew, Patrick S. Roberts, Michael S. Keeney, and Sang Ok Choi. 2012. “Appointee confirmation and tenure: The succession of US federal agency appointees, 1989–2009.” Public Administration Review. 72 (6): 902-913.
- Dull, Matthew. 2010. “Leadership and organizational culture: Sustaining dialogue between practitioners and scholars.” Public Administration Review. 70 (6): 857-866.
- Dull, Matthew and Kris Wernstedt. 2010. “Land Recycling, Community Revitalization, and Distributive Politics: An Analysis of EPA Brownfields Program Support.” Policy Studies Journal. 38 (1): 119-142.
- Dull, Matthew and Patrick S. Roberts. 2009. “Continuity, Competence, and the Succession of Senate-Confirmed Agency Appointees, 1989-2009.” Presidential Studies Quarterly. 39 (3): 432-453.
- Parker, David C.W. and Matthew Dull. 2009. “Divided We Quarrel: The Politics of Congressional Investigations, 1947-2004.” Legislative Studies Quarterly. 34(3) (August): 319-345.
- Dull, Matthew. 2009. “Results-Model Reform Leadership: Questions of Credible Commitment.” Journal of Public Administration Research & Theory. 19 (April): 255-84.
- Dull, Matthew. 2006. “Why PART? The Institutional Politics of Presidential Budget Reform.” Journal of Public Administration Research & Theory. 16 (August): 187-215.
Other Publications
- Dull, Matthew. 2017. “Beware the Agency Leadership Void: The Trump administration’s appointments strategy is a slow moving disaster.” Government Executive. June 28.
- Parker, DaidC.W., Dull, Matthew. 2013. “The Weaponization of Congressional Oversight.” In: Frisch S.A., Kelly S.Q. (eds) Politics to the Extreme. Palgrave Macmillan, New York.
- Dull, Matthew and David C.W. Parker. 2012. “Congressional Oversight: Overlooked or Unhinged?” Extension of Remarks, APSA Legislative Studies Section Newsletter (July).
- Roberts, Patrick and Matthew Dull, 2009. “Fix the Vacancies Act.” The Hill. January.
- Roberts, Patrick and Matthew Dull. 2009. “Is Obama using his appointment power effectively?” Roll Call. September 29.