Shalini Misra
Associate Professor, Urban Affairs and Planning (UAP)

- Ph.D., Planning, Policy & Design, University of California - Irvine, 2010
- M.S., Sustainable Resource Management, Technical University of Munich (Germany), 2004
- B.S., Civil Engineering, Gujarat University (India), 2001
- Environmental and social psychology
- Digital technologies and Artificial Intelligence
- Thinking, decision-making, interpersonal relationships
- Science of team science, inter- and trans-disciplinary research, convergence research
- Public Interest Technology
- Technology and Public Policy
- SPIA 3554: Transdisciplinary Problem Solving for Social Issues
- UAP 5084: Collaborative Planning and Community Involvement
- UAP 5174: Planning Theory and History
- UAP 5424: Environment & Behavior Studies
- UAP 5424: Urban Social Ecology
- UAP 5484: Advanced Urban Research Methodology
- Communication in Transdisciplinary Teams, co-edited with G. Lotrecchiano (Santa Rosa, CA: Informing Science Institute, 2020).
- Special series on communication in transdisciplinary teams. Informing Science: The International Journal of an Emerging Transdiscipline 21: 41-253 (2018). Co-edited with G. Lotrecchiano.
- Across disciplinary boundaries towards a sustainable life: Psychodynamic reflection on human behavior, co-edited with E. A. Stuhler (Rainer Hampp Verlag, Muenchen, Mering, 2008).
- Misra, S., Katz, B., Roberts, P., Carney, M.*, Valdivia, I.* (2024) Toward a Person-Environment Fit Framework for Artificial Intelligence Implementation in the Public Sector. Government Information Quarterly, 41(3), 101962. Available at:
- Misra, S., Rippy, M.A., Grant, S.B. (2024). Analyzing Knowledge Integration in Convergence Research. Environmental Science and Policy, 162, 103902. Available at:
- Gajary, L. C., Misra, S., Desai, A., Evasius, D.M., Frechtling, J., Pendelebury, D.A., Schnell, J.D., Silverstein, G., Wells, J. (2023). Convergence Research as a ‘System-Of-Systems’: A Framework and Research Agenda. Minerva.
- Grant, S. Rippy, M., Birkland, T., Schenk, T. Rowles, K. Misra, S., Aminpour, P., Kaushal, S., Vikesland, P., Berglund, E., Gomez-Velez, J., Hotchkiss, E., Mesa-Perez, G., Zhang, H., Armstrong, K., Bhide, S., Krauss, L., Maas, C., Mendoza, K., Shipman, C., Zhang, Y, Zhong, Y. (2022). Can Common Pool Resource Theory Catalyze Stakeholder-Driven Solutions to the Freshwater Salinization Syndrome? Environmental Science and Technology. 56, 19, 13517–13527. DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.2c01555
- Huang, L., Lim, T.C., & Misra, S. (2022). Interdisciplinary inquiry and spatial green stormwater infrastructure research. Sustainability. 14. 1198. Available online:
- Roberts, P.S., Misra, S., Goldberg-Foss, M. (2022). Open Governance and Disaster Planning, Recovery, and Response: Lessons from the United States. In: Kanbara, S., Shaw, R., Kato, N., Miyazaki, H., Morita, A. (eds) Society 5.0, Digital Transformation and Disasters. Disaster Risk Reduction. Springer, Singapore.
- Roberts, P., Misra, S., & Tang, J. (2021). Crisis Governance, Emergency Management, and the Digital Revolution. Oxford Handbook of Crisis Management (Oxford Research Encyclopedia on Politics)
- Misra, S., Roberts, P., & Rhodes, M. (2020). Information overload, stress, and emergency managerial thinking and decision-making. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction. Available online:
- Misra, S., Roberts, P., & Rhodes, M. (2020). The ecology of emergency management work in the digital age. Perspectives on Public Management and Governance. Published online before print: doi:10.1093/ppmgov/gvaa007.
- Trivedi, C. & Misra, S. (2018). Dialogue and the creation of transformative social change: The case of social enterprises. Special series on communication in transdisciplinary teams. Informing Science: The International Journal of an Emerging Transdiscipline, 21, 107-132.
- Lotrecchiano, G. & Misra, S. (2018). Transdisciplinary knowledge producing teams: Toward a complex systems perspective. Special series on communication in transdisciplinary teams. Informing Science: The International Journal of an Emerging Transdiscipline, 21, 51-74.
- “The iPhone effect: The quality of in-person social interactions in the presence of mobile technologies,” with L. Cheng, J. Genevie, and M. Yuan, Environment & Behavior, 48(2): 275-298 (2016). (Published online before print July 1, 2014).
- “The Transdisciplinary Orientation Scale: Factor Structure and Relation to the Integrative Quality and Scope of Scientific Publications,” with D. Stokols and L. Cheng, Journal of Translational Medicine and Epidemiology, 3(2): 1042 (2015).
- “Psychological and health outcomes of perceived information overload,” with D. Stokols, Environment & Behavior, 44(6): 737-759 (2011).
- “Evaluating an interdisciplinary undergraduate training program in health promotion research,” with R. Harvey, D. Stokols, K. Pine, J. Fuqua, S. Shokair and J. Whiteley, American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 36(4): 358-365 (2009).
- “Psychology in an age of ecological crisis: From personal angst to collective action,” with D. Stokols, M. G. Runnerstrom, and J. A. Hipp, American Psychologist, 64(3): 181-193 (2009).
- 2024, PI, Destination Areas 2.0 Planning and Development Grant, Virginia Tech
- 2024-25, PI, Faculty Research Grant, College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences
- 2023-25 - Co-PI, NSF Growing Convergence Research: Convergent Anthropocene Systems (Anthems) - A System-of-Systems Paradigm (Phase 1)($ 1.65 million)
- 2022-25 Co-PI, NSF Growing Convergence Research: Common Pool Resource Theory as a Scalable Framework for Catalyzing Stakeholder-Driven Solutions to the Freshwater Salinization Syndrome (Phase 2)($2.4 million)
- 2022-23 PI, Destination Areas 2.0 Planning and Development Grant, Virginia Tech
- 2022-23 Instructional Innovation Grant (focusing on equity, inclusion, and diversity), College of Architecture and Urban Studies, Virginia Tech
- 2022 Summer fellowship, Andrew Mellon Foundation: Tech for Humanities Pathways Minor ($10,000)
- 2021-23 Co-PI, EAGER: SAI: SmarTrail: An Infrastructure Services Framework for Sustainable Trail Management, National Science Foundation EAGER Strengthening American Infrastructure Grant
- 2020-21 PI , Distancing and Digital Information in the Face of COVID-19, National Science Foundation RAPID Response Grant
- 2020-21 Co-I, Exploring Convergence Research: An Initial Examination of What It Means and What It Hopes to Accomplish, National Science Foundation EAGER Grant
- 2020-21 PI, Checking (It) Out from Georgia to Maine: Risk, Resource Management, and Social Informatics on the Appalachian Trail, Institute for Society, Culture, and Environment, Virginia Tech
- 2017-18 Co-PI (with Wernstedt, PI) Caution: Heavy Load Ahead, Smart and Connected Communities- Planning Grant, National Science Foundation ($99,354)
- 2017-18 PI (with Roberts, Co-PI), Thinking and Decision Making in An Age of Divided Attention, Institute for Society, Culture, and Environment, Virginia Tech ($30,000)
- Social, psychological, and health implications of the Internet and digital communication technologies
- Environment and behavior studies, specially focusing on the psychological and health impacts of environmental stressors such as information overload and multitasking
- Science of team science or the study of the processes and outcomes of large scale transdisciplinary collaborative scientific, training, and action research initiatives
- Public interest technology, design, deployment, and governance of digital technologies
- Misra, S. (2022). Albatross County Child Abuse Screening Tool. Open Access Teaching Case Developed for the Tech for Humanity Pathways Minor (Funded by: The Andrew Mellon Foundation).
- Misra, S. (2022). Front Porch Forum Case. Open Access Teaching Case Developed for the Tech for Humanity Pathways Minor (Funded by: The Andrew Mellon Foundation).
- Misra, S. (2022). Masakhane – “We Build Together”. Open Access Teaching Case Developed for the Tech for Humanity Pathways Minor (Funded by: The Andrew Mellon Foundation).
- Misra, S. (2022). The Quantified Self. Open Access Teaching Case Developed for the Tech for Humanity Pathways Minor (Funded by: The Andrew Mellon Foundation)