October Faculty Spotlights: Published research, presentations & more
October 20, 2020

Ralph Buehler’s (Professor, UAP) forthcoming edited book “Cycling for Sustainable Cities” was mentioned in a New York Times article, as well as in an article in the Ottawa Citizen. His new article on pedestrian and cyclist safety was featured by Streetsblog USA. Professor Buehler and John Pucher also published “The Growing Gap in Pedestrian and Cyclist Fatality Rates between the United States and the United Kingdom, Germany, Denmark, and the Netherlands, 1990–2018,” Transport Reviews (vol. 41, issue 1, January 2021).
Sara Jordan (SPIA Affiliated Faculty), Samantha L. Fenn (MPA 2019) and Benjamin B. Shannon published “Transparency as Threat at the Intersection of Artificial Intelligence and Cyberbiosecurity,” Computer, vol. 53, no. 10 (October 2020).
Ralph Hall (Associate Professor, UAP) was the lead author on a food insecurity study at Virginia Tech that recently led to a $1.5 million gift to the university. The story was covered in VT News and Roanoke Times.
Stephanie Smith (Associate Professor, CPAP) co-authored the following two articles: “Analyzing the global health agenda: A comparison of priority for diabetes and oral diseases,” Global Public Health (2020), and “Strategic orientation and relationship building among dyads in complex public management networks: perspectives from state asthma coalitions,” Administration & Society (2020).