September Faculty Spotlights: Published research, presentations & more

Caitlin Adams (Senior student, Environmental Policy and Planning) received SPIA’s Public Administration Award/Scholarship for the current 2020-21 academic year.
Ariel Ahram (Associate Professor, GIA) published War and Conflict in the Middle East and North Africa (Polity, 2020).
David Bieri (Associate Professor, UAP) weighed in on the best and worst places to rent in America.
Mehrzad Boroujerdi (SPIA Director) gave an invited presentation online: “Political Elite in Post-revolutionary Iran,” The University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign (September 17). He was also mentioned in an article in Asia Times.
Ralph Buehler (Professor, UAP) gave two invited presentations virtually: “Bicycling for Sustainable Cities” at the Humboldt University in Berlin, Germany and “Bicycle Infrastructure for More Cycling” at Wuppertal University, Germany.
Ralph Hall (Associate Professor, UAP) and Khushboo Gupta (PhD, PGG, 2019 and current junior fellow at the National Institute of Urban Affairs) published “Exploring Smart City Project Implementation Risks in the Cities of Kakinada and Kanpur,” in Journal of Urban Technology.
Anne Khademian, former director of SPIA and current Presidential Fellow at VT, was chosen as the new executive director of The Universities at Shady Grove. In that role, she will also serve as the University System of Maryland’s Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs. We extend our congratulations to Anne and thank her for seventeen years of distinguished service to the school and the university.