Special Winter Session on U.S. Congress & Politics

US Congressional Oversight in Action 2021 (UAP/PSCI 4624) is a 3-week, 3-credit Winter Session seminar designed to introduce students to the politics and practice of congressional oversight. This seminar takes participants “behind the headlines,” engaging directly with policymakers in executive branch agencies, think tanks, associations, lobbyists, news media, and congressional offices focused on government oversight and accountability.
Course Details
In response to the pandemic, Congressional Oversight in Action 2021 will move online. This year's Winter Session seminar will meet via Zoom weekdays between 1pm and 5pm Monday, December 28, 2020 to Friday, January 15, 2021. We believe the online format can offer the same intensive learning experiences and personal engagement with policymakers that have characterized the seminar experience in previous years in a virtual format that will not require relocating to the DC-area for three weeks. Students will engage with experts across a wide variety of organizations and agencies; participate in lectures, seminars, and mentoring; and collaborate with other students on an original research project and congressional briefing.
Interested in learning more?
- Check out the seminar website
- Complete this short online form
- Or email seminar co-instructors: Matt Dull (mdull@vt.edu) and James Harder (jharder@vt.edu)
Not a Virginia Tech student? No problem.
Visiting students not seeking a degree at Virginia Tech may enroll in the seminar by completing the visiting student application linked here on the Virginia Tech Winter Session 2021 website. The deadline for the visiting student application is December 15. Information regarding tuition and fees is available here.