Chris LaPlante

140 Otey St NW
Blacksburg, VA 24061
I am Chris LaPlante and am the Undergraduate Academic Advisor for the School of Public and International Affairs. I advise the Environmental Policy and Planning majors and minors, the Smart and Sustainable Cities majors and minors, and the Community Systems and Engagement minors. I have served as the Undergraduate Advisor since Spring 2016. The one thing that all of the students I advise have in common is that they want to make a difference in the world – they want to make a positive contribution. It’s a privilege for me to be part of their journey to discover how they're going to go about doing that.
I am thankful that there’s a significant emphasis on undergraduate academic advising in SPIA. I genuinely believe that advising plays an important role in ensuring that our students get the most out of their experience at Virginia Tech. I do my best to inform students of opportunities both on and off campus, encourage students to engage relevant opportunities, and support them when they do. My ultimate goal is to ensure that our students will be exceptionally well prepared for their next step, whatever that might be.